Preliminary Questions launched for Christmas 2023 with a selection of important foundational topics. Of course, these focused on The Foundation—God Himself. Understanding each one is fundamental to further philosophical and theological understanding. But it's just the beginning. Every question answered uncovers new questions for us to explore. How should humanity function in light of Who God IS?
Please check back often for new essays, talks, and scholarly work to interact with and share. And please subscribe to be notified about new content.
Upcoming topics include...
An exploration of the foundation of morality. Do moral facts exist or not? If so, how can we know about them? Is there such a thing as objective moral value?
It's a question for the ages. What precisely is evil? Where does it come from? What, if anything can be done about it? And toughest of all—WHY does God permit it?
Do objective moral duties exist? If so, how can we know what they are? How do we do what's right? Is what's right for me, wrong for you—or vice-versa?
Are objective moral failures a reality? If so, what are the consequences? Who decides?
Is nature all there is? What does supernatural mean? Where does life come from?
Why do we suffer? Why does love hurt so much?
Does the Bible really contradict itself? Why should it be trusted instead of a competing "scripture."
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Fyodor Dostoevsky, Philosopher
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