If you're reading this, it is my fervent hope that you have recognized truth in these pages. The truth that God IS real; the truth that HE IS Perfect: the truth that HE IS Love; and the truth that He especially loves you and has prepared a place just for you in His Perfect World (John 14:1-4).
God is The Perfect-Being. He can't lack anything, so He didn't have to create at all. But He did so that He could share His Life with creatures like you and me. Even though we are broken and imperfect, God wants to make us perfect and new, and then keep us that way forever.
The Bible teaches that God loves the world so much that He gave His one and only Son to save it (John 3:16). It also teaches that God demonstrates His love for us, in that while we were still sinners (imperfect people), Jesus Christ (The Perfect Person) lived and died for us (Romans 5:8) — and that every one of us can have hope in Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:27). Because God is long-suffering toward us, not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
Repentance simply means choosing a new direction for your life—one that is oriented to God through love and faith in Jesus Christ.
The "Good News" — indeed, the best news, is that God has especially chosen you. How can you know? Because you are here. And because while you were still broken, God gave Himself to you, and for you, in the Perfect Life of Jesus Christ. He did this because He loves you, and He wants to perfect you in His unending Love.
God has reached out to you with open arms. He wants you.
God wants to be especially yours, just like you are especially His. He wants you to love Him as He loves you. Indeed, God values your love so much that He gives you a choice in the matter. He wants you to say "yes" to Him.
But you are free to choose. You can say "yes" to God and choose Life. Or you can say "no" to Him and remain as you are—dying and imperfect.
Now, your choice has some consequences. God Is Perfect-Love. So, everything He does is perfectly loving—even the application of His Justice. It is because God is loving that He cannot allow human evil to hold His Perfection hostage. If you say "no," — God won't allow you and your imperfections to pollute His perfect-world. Nobody has the right to ruin Heaven for God, or for anyone who says "yes" to Him.
You aren't the exception.
This is why everyone won't be saved. Imperfect beings can't join with Perfection on their own terms. Can you see that "your terms" are imperfect? They just won't work in a perfect-world. They don't mean enough there.
Still, everyone who says "yes" to God is perfectly welcome to join Him in His perfect-world. These enter Life on God's terms, through the One Perfect way opened by Jesus Christ. Nobody has to be excluded. God has enough love to go around!
You see, everyone is invited. The only people left out are those who choose to stay out. Indeed, God has done everything He can short of forcing you to make sure you will live. So you can choose death if you want to, but you choose it over Jesus Christ's dead body.
Is it time for you to choose?
Please know that God will hold you responsible for the knowledge that you found here. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. So, do you choose to accept Life on God's terms, and enjoy His Perfection forever? Or, do you choose to exist on your own terms, and suffer your imperfections forever?
I call Heaven and Earth as witnesses that today I have set life and death before you.
I beg you in Jesus' Name—choose Life!
There is nothing complicated about becoming a Christian. You can do it right now. The Bible says that if we receive Jesus Christ and believe in Him, that He will give us the right to become children of God (John 1:12-13).
All you have to do is exchange lives with God. He has already given you His Life in Jesus Christ. In return He would like yours—warts and all. He wants you so that He can make you perfect and new. It's the reason you exist.
When you're ready, I suggest studying the following prayer, making it especially yours, and then praying it to God from the bottom of your heart.
Lord Jesus come into my life. I know that I am a sinner, and that I have sinned against you. I'm sorry.
I believe that you lived for me. I believe that you love me. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins. I believe that you conquered sin and death and rose again. I believe that you're alive today in Perfection, and that you're coming back some day to take me Home to be with You.
Thank You for loving me. I love You too.
Please write my name in your Book of Life and make me your child. Please give me your Holy Spirit so that I can live my new life for You—and for others.
Jesus, I receive you as my Christ and my salvation. In return, I hold nothing back and give my whole life to you now.
In Jesus' Name,
I AM, The One Perfect God
If you just joined God's family, please don't keep it to yourself. His new command is to love others as He has loved you. You can't love by yourself. Tell your story. Somebody needs to hear it, and we would love to hear it too.
Please obtain a personal Bible. This is really important. I have a Bible. There are many like it, but that one is mine. It is God's love letter, written especially to me. Begin by reading the Gospel of John, and the Epistle of 1-John in the New Testament. After that, read Paul's letters to the Romans, Galatians, and Colossians along with the other Gospels. This will help you accurately navigate the rest of the Bible. If it seems hard to understand at first, don't panic—that's pretty normal. Learning about God is a process not an event. It's the adventure of a lifetime, and of an eternity to follow.
Recommending a church is difficult these days—but you do need to find a community of fellow believers to share Jesus' life with. It's not good to be alone, and you can't love your neighbors if you don't have any.
Even so, please be careful to notice the difference between a hawk and a hand-saw. I won't lie to you. There are a lot of self-righteous people who would like to confuse you right now. Pray that God will protect you from confusion and lead you to a loving and intellectually honest community of His faithful followers. You will recognize them by their love, by their commitment to the truth, and by their unending thankfulness for Who Jesus Is, and who they are because of Him.
Remember, faith doesn't have to involve checking your brain at the door. On the contrary, God invites you to test all things so that you can hold fast to what is good, and avoid all kinds of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). Please listen to the Holy Spirit. Trust your Bible. Trust your common-sense. Trust your conscience. Keep the faith!
I hope the resources of Preliminary Questions can continue to help you. Please reach out and share your special journey of faith. We would love to pray for you as you begin your new life with Jesus.
Now may our Perfect God bless you and keep you. May He shine His light upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn his face to you and give you peace. And may His Love be upon you and your family, and upon your children and their children forever.
With Jesus' Love and in His Name,
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